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Swedish Erotica 117 – classic porn movie – 1995

Swedish Erotica 117 - classic porn film - year - 1995

Swedish Erotica 117

Year: 1995
Country: US
Actress: Victoria Paris, Sharon Kane, Tori Welles, Busty Belle, Kassi Nova, Sasha Strange
Actors: Peter North, Tom Byron, Joey Silvera, Buck Adams, Sean Michaels, Robert Bullock
Director: n/a
Distributor: Caballero Classics

Categories: Lesbian, Black, IR

In the early ’70’s Caballero was a small start up company, specializing in filming and distributing hardcore adult stag movies. It was an unenlightened era, with uncontrolled censorship permanently closing most adult businesses. Caballero however, preserved, grew and prospered. But it became an overnight sensation when they decided to produce a new 8MM film series called "Swedish Erotica". This new series showcased the most exciting and salacious porn stars of that time. John Holmes, Seka, Aunt Peg, Desiree Cousteau, Serena, and countless others performed their most erotic scenes for these early subtitled home movies. With the advent of video and the personal VCR Caballero’s success was meteoric. Hundreds of scenes were shot and released to a grateful world of aroused viewers and serious collectors. We have now carefully combed our extensive archives of classic Swedish Erotica film and video, and selected the nastiest, raunchiest and most infamous scenes and present them to you in this unique Four Hour format. It’s our way to saying thanks to all our many fans!
Swedish Erotica 117 - classic porn film - year - 1995Swedish Erotica 117 - classic porn film - year - 1995Swedish Erotica 117 - classic porn film - year - 1995Swedish Erotica 117 - classic porn film - year - 1995
Swedish Erotica 117 - classic porn film - year - 1995Swedish Erotica 117 - classic porn film - year - 1995Swedish Erotica 117 - classic porn film - year - 1995Swedish Erotica 117 - classic porn film - year - 1995

Scene Breakdowns

Scene 1. Kassi Nova, Victoria Paris, Tom Byron
Scene 2. Victoria Paris, Peter North
Scene 3. Busty Belle, Victoria Paris
Scene 4. Tori Welles, Victoria Paris
Scene 5. Sasha, Victoria Paris, Buck Adams
Scene 6. Victoria Paris, Robert Bullock
Scene 7. Sharon Kane, Victoria Paris
Scene 8. Victoria Paris, Joey Silvera
Scene 9. Victoria Paris, Sean Michaels

Swedish Erotica 117 - classic porn film - year - 1995

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